Sept 2023 | Federal Ministry of Health

Federal Minister Lauterbach invites to the “Long COVID” Round Table

The question of how we in society should deal with Long COVID has occupied medicine, science, business and politics. Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach, Federal Minister of Health, therefore invites experts and those affected to a round table: On 12th September 2023, patients, representatives of patients, treatment providers, researchers, employers, insurers and political decision-makers will come together in Berlin to discuss the need for action to provide care for patients.

People sit in a circle made using curved tables

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To the round table
press conference

Federal Ministry of Health

The Federal Ministry of Health is on the highest federal agencies of the Federal Republic of Germany. It has its head office or the first office in the city of Bonn and its second office in Berlin. The responsible Federal Minister in the Scholz cabinet is Prof Dr Karl Lauterbach of the SPD, from 8 December 2021.