Long COVID round table – September 2023

At the invitation of the Federal Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach, the Long COVID Round Table brings together stakeholders from medicine, science, business, politics and society who are impacted by the effects of the new pathology. Together they discuss challenges and possible solutions for dealing with Long COVID and providing care to those affected.

People sit in a circle made using curved tables

© Copyright: BMG

Long COVID round table - September 2023

The first round table on Long COVID organised by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) aimed to better understand the situation of Long COVID care in Germany - and to discuss possible measures to improve care. Federal Minister of Health Prof. Dr Karl Lauterbach invited guests from the most varied sectors of society which are affected by the impacts of this disease pattern. The participants thus included people suffering from the disease, those treating it, researchers, employers, insurers and people who have political authority.

At the beginning of the event, impulse lectures by two international experts shed light on the current scientific conflict with Long COVID. Prof. Akiko Iwasaki, holder of the Sterling professorship in immune, molecular, cellular and developmental biology at the School of Medicine at Yale University (USA), spoke about the current state of research on possible causes (please read her guest article as well). Understanding the causes precisely is the basis for developing effective therapies. The second impulse lecture was given by Prof. Judith Bruchfeld, chief physician at Karolinska University Hospital in Solna (Sweden). She made clear the urgency and importance of the need for action on Long COVID, and presented results of her own treatment studies. 

The main focus of the round table was on the joint exchange of information regarding the care situation of patients with Long COVID. The discussion was moderated by Federal Minister of Health Prof. Dr Karl Lauterbach. The guests shared their experiences and discussed the topic from their different perspectives. Numerous issues were discussed, including care pathways for Long COVID, how children and young people are affected, the significance of rehabilitation and issues of vocational rehabilitation. Other points of discussion were the challenges for those providing treatment, the needs for interdisciplinary research, the transfer of research results into care and issues regarding treatment with medicines.

Important insights were gained in the dialogue. The discussion results of the round table will be carefully evaluated in the next step, and exchanges with affected groups will be continued in the future.

Video summary of the round table on 12.09.2023

Video length 3:14 min

To the video summary
Foto: Teilnehmer am Runden Tisch
Foto: Teilnehmer am Runden Tisch

What the guests say

The perspectives brought to the round table were diverse. To reflect the different experiences, here are videos with statements from some of the guests of the round table.  The video statements represent the personal views of the participants. They in no way constitute an expression of opinion on the part of the Federal Ministry of Health. 

Dr. Markus Beier

Chairman Hausärztinnen- und Hausärzteverband e. V.

Portraitfoto Markus Beier
Portraitfoto Markus Beier

Prof. Dr. Yasar Bilgin

Turkish-German Health Foundation

Portraitfoto Yasar Bilgin
Portraitfoto Yasar Bilgin

Anke Brinkmann

Federal Association of Personnel Managers

Portraitfoto Anke Brinkmann
Portraitfoto Anke Brinkmann

Mia Diekow

Long COVID Germany

Portraitfoto Mia Diekow
Portraitfoto Mia Diekow

Theodora Dimou

CoVeRSE Federal association

Portraitfoto Theodora Dimou
Portraitfoto Theodora Dimou

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Graf

Association of German University Hospitals

Portraitfoto Jürgen Graf
Portraitfoto Jürgen Graf

Brigitte Gross

German Federal Pension Insurance

Portraitfoto  Brigitte Gross
Portraitfoto  Brigitte Gross

Prof. Dr. Volker Köllner

German Society for Clinical Psychotherapy, Prevention and Psychosomatic Rehabilitation

Portraitfoto Volker Köllner
Portraitfoto Volker Köllner

Christof Lawall

German Society for Medical Rehabilitation

Portraitfoto Christof Lawall
Portraitfoto Christof Lawall

Manfred Lucha (MdL)

Minister for Social Affairs, Health and Integration (BW)

Portraitfoto Manfred Lucha
Portraitfoto Manfred Lucha

Karin Maag

Joint Federal Committee

Portraitfoto Karin Maag
Portraitfoto Karin Maag

Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg

German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology

Portraitfoto Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg
Portraitfoto Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg

Sebastian Musch

German Society for ME/CFS

Portraitfoto Sebastian Musch
Portraitfoto Sebastian Musch

Dr. Johannes Nießen

Federal Association of Physicians of the Public Health Service

Portraitfoto Johannes Nießen
Portraitfoto Johannes Nießen

Ricarda Piepenhagen

Gründerin der Aktionsgruppe „Nicht genesen“

Portraitfoto Ricarda Piepenhagen
Portraitfoto Ricarda Piepenhagen

Dr. Klaus Reinhardt

German Medical Association

Portraitfoto Klaus Reinhardt
Portraitfoto Klaus Reinhardt

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schieffer

University Hospital Giessen and Marburg

Portraitfoto  Bernhard Schieffer
Portraitfoto  Bernhard Schieffer

Prof. Dr. Martin Walter

Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Jena University Hospital

Portraitfoto Martin Walter
Portraitfoto Martin Walter

Dr. Cornelia Werner

General practitioner, Erbach practice

Portraitfoto Cornelia Werner
Portraitfoto Cornelia Werner